Noun (
Example :
Proper nouns and Common nouns (
Proper nouns (also called proper names) are the names of unique entities. For example
1. Changing Arabic’s letter to English or Latinian. Example :
2. Capitalizing all first English or Latinian letter.
All other nouns are called common nouns. For example :
Concrete nouns and Abstract nouns
Concrete nouns refer to definite objects—objects in which you use at least one of your senses. Example :
Abstract nouns on the other hand refer to ideas or concepts, such as
Collective nouns (
Collective nouns are subject-specific words used to define a grouping of people, animals, objects or concepts. For example, in the phrase "a parliament of owls", parliament (
Verbal nouns (
A verbal noun is a noun formed directly as an inflexion of a verb or a verb stem, sharing at least in part its constructions. This term is applied especially to gerunds, and sometimes also to infinitives and supines.
Example :
I hope this explanation could make you able to translate both Arabic into English or English to Arabic. I hope you understand and I will always wait for your attention and your correction.
Thank you very much.
Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
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