
Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.

Bismillah, Alhamdulillah.

Wikipedia tells us that translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language — the source text — and the production, in another language, of a new, equivalent text — the target text, or translation. And it tells also that the goal of translation is to establish a relation of equivalence of intent between the source and target texts (that is to say, to ensure that both texts communicate the same message), while taking into account a number of constraints. These constraints include context, the rules of grammar of languages, their writing conventions, their idioms, and the like.

The rest information about translation can be read from that site.

In this blog, I will not explain why we have to study these both languages, but I will try to help you to study how to translate from Arabic to English or otherwise.

I know that this blog is very far from perfect because I am not an expert and still Studying. So I need your help to fix it together. I hope it would be very helpful for you all.


Thanks, Wassalam