Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
Based from wikipedia word is a unit of language that carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes which are linked more or less tightly together.
It is very important thing for a translator, because in the translations proses, a translator will begin his/her activities by searching meaning of each word.
In this proses, the translator will find 2 kinds of word :
1. Dictionary based word, ex : ‘door’ (Eng=English) means ‘pintu’ (indo=Indonesian) and باب (Arb=Arabic).
2. Undictionary based word, ex : ‘computer’ (Eng) means ‘komputer’ (Indo) and كومبيوتر (Arb).
So a good translator has to know every letter of the word. Especially in Arabic, the translator has to know 2 kinds of translations process :
1. Arabically process, Ex : ‘cat’ (Eng) => قط (Arb=Arab).
2. Latinically process, Ex : سليمان (Arb) => Solomon (Eng).
The translator will find some case below :
1. Latinian letter ‘C’ will be written in Arabic by : س, ق, ك , and ش
Ex : Cat (Eng) => قط (Arb)
Caesar => قيصر (Arb)
2. Word سليمان (Arb) will be written in Latinian by ‘Solomon’ (Eng).
In their process, the translators have to be sure that their work will be understood by listener or reader. It is very important, especially in Arabically process, because some Arabically process was not be understood by Arabian. For example adverb form ‘Solomon’ is ‘ Solomonic’. So the translator will translate ‘Solomonic Dynasty’ (Eng) by أسرة سلومونيك. whereas the correct is الأسرة السليمانية.
Method of this study is little different with another learn Arabic method. In this study, the kind of word is consisting of a noun, a pronoun, an adjective, a verb, an adverb, a preposition, a conjunction, and an interjection. And it will be posted in the next chapter, insya Allah.
Please Correct me if I Wrong
Wassalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
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